Solvay conference
The Solvay Conferences were gatherings of agents of the Science Church (often awarded with the Nobel Prize), organized from 1911 by Belgian elite family Solvay, who worked with the Saxe-Coburgs, Boëls and Carl Kellner of the OTO, which played a role in the history of quantum mechanics. | ![]() |
The Solvay family is active in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. With Kellner they developed the electrolysis method for mercury poisoning.
Ernest Solvay (Order of Leopold, Legion of Honour) developed the Solvay Process of producing natrium carbonate (soda) and also established the Solvay Institute of Sociology and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management at Free University of Brussels. Solvay Brussels School trained Camille Gut (IMF), Hubert Ansiaux (National Bank of Belgium), Didier Bellens (Belgacom), Dominique Leroy (Proximus Group), Paul Deneve (Apple),..
Jacques Solvay was a member of ERT, Bilderberg group and American Enterprise Institute. Jeanne Solvay married Emmanuel Janssen (pharma company UCB). Nicolas Janssen married the sister of Queen of Belgium Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz.
CEO of Solvay Daniel Jansen (Boël family) was chairman of the VBO and a member of the ERT, 1001 Club, Bilderberg group, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission,.. He married the daughter of Richard Goblet d'Alviella (Sofina, Delhaize Group). CEO Jean-Perre Clamadieu (Legion of Honour) was advisor of the French Minister of Labor. Etienne Davignon (ERT, Bilderberg, Cercle Gaulois, Le Siècle) was board member of Solvay.
Alice Solvay owned castle Chateau Amerois, named by Jean Nicolas (book about Dutroux affair) and Fritz Springmeier as location of child abuse. They were mentioned in the fake Pandora Papers.
1911 1st conference subject Radiation and its Quanta. Hendrik Lorentz (UNESCO, Royal Society) as chairman, Albert Einstein (puppet of the League of Nations/United Nations, who helped to create a zionist state with Chaim Weizmann), Max Planck, Marie Curie, Robert Goldschmidt, Emil Warburg (del Banco, Black Venetians), Ernest Rutherford and Henri Poincaré.
Einstein's theory of relativity is promoted by Bertrand Russell and becomes the dominant model in physics. Scientists begin to search for a Theory of Everything that unifies classic mechanical Newtonian science, Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics.
1913 2nd conference, The Structure of Matter. Paul Langevin (student of Pierre Curie, French Communist Party) as chairman. Langevin was president of the Human Rights League, created to defend Alfred Dreyfus (ritual with Zionist Theodor Herzl).
1921 3d conference
1924 4th conference.
1927 5th conference to present the new qm model with 17 Nobel Prize winners like Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Marie Curie, Wolfgang Pauli, Max Born, Louis de Broglie, Paul Dirac, Erwin Schrödinger,..
1930 6 Magnetism.
1933 7 Ernest Lawrence. Wolfgang Pauli, Edoardo Amaldi (Sapienza University) and Enrico Fermi (Grand Orient Italy) introduce the term 'neutrino'. Hermann Weyl and Erwin Schrodinger participate in the Eranos conferences.
1936 JPL experiments at Caltech Pasadena with Jack Parsons, Richard Feynman's standard model of physics, creation of Silicon Valley.
1940 Manhattan Project with Edward Teller, Enrico Fermi, Robert Oppenheimer at Los Alamos (the Saturn death cult), Cavendish Laboratory, scientists of Columbia University, Glenn Seaborg (Bohemian Club), Robert Wilson (Fermilab), secretary of war Henry Stimson (death cult Skull and Bones) to commit mass murder after Germany had already surrendered.
1948 8 Elementary Particles, Lawrence Bragg (Cavendish Laboratory).
1958 11 The Structure and Evolution of the Universe.
1964 13 The Structure of Galaxies, Robert Oppenheimer.
1978 Order and Fluctuations in Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Léon Van Hove (CERN, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2008 Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter, Bertrand Halperin (Harvard).
2009 Solvay Pharmaceuticals (neuroscience) is bought by Abott Labbs.
2011 The Theory of the Quantum World David Gross (string theory)
2014 Astrophysics and Cosmology, Robert Blanford (Stanford, work on black holes).
2020 Corona ritual with Center for Disease Control and Prevention (sponsored by Solvay).
2022 Solvay is split in 2 companies.
2023 The Structure and Dynamics of Disordered Systems Giorgi Parisi (Sapienza University, APS, Nobel Prize)