St Peter's Basilica

St Peter's Basilica is a temple with dome in Vatican City (Rome, Italy) of the Catholic Church or the Church of Rome, an institute of the Draco-Orion Empire, a continuation of the Egyptian, Babylonian and Roman Empire with the Saturnian cult Christianity as foundation. It was planned by pope Nicholas V (Parentucelli, crowned Frederick III Habsburg as emperor,) and completed by pope Paul V  (Borghese, dragon on coat of arms, made Cardinal Richelieu a bishop) in 1626, during the Thirty Years' War.  Like the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, it is dedicated to St Peter (Osiris, Jupiter, Zeus) and built on a Taurobolium (bull sacrifice).

The Aryans built dome shaped tombs like Newgrange. The Aryan worship of the trinity Osiris-Isis-Horus became God-Maria-Jesus. According to its mythology St Peter (Jupiter) was the first pope. Cardinals represent the cardinal signs, deacons represent the subrulers of each sign. The location and architecture of Christian cathedrals is based on sacred geometry.

Like the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire worships obelisks (phallus of Baal). Nero put an obelisk in the middle of the Circus Maximus.

The Lateran obelisk in the middle of an 8 pointed star (of Isis-Ishtar) represents the phallus and vagina (glyph of Sirius was a dome/cup, obelisk and star). It is designed in a keyhole shape (symbol of Daath, sexual knowledge, St Peter has the keys to heaven) and aligned with Orion.

The Medici's built the dome of the Cathedral of Florence Brunelleschi. Christopher Wren designed the St Paul's cathedral in London (Britain with 8 pointed star as Union Jack).

Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer designed Germania with dome and obelisk. The Griffith Observatory, used in Hollywood movies, has a dome and obelisk.

In Angels and Demons (2009) of Ron Howard with Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor antimatter of CERN is dropped on St Peter's square.

It was used for in the inauguration of pope Benedict (Hitler Youth) and pope Francis.


