Sue Lyon

Suellyn Lyon was a mind controlled actress, used from age 14 in the Hollywood film industry to normalise pedophilia. She went to University High School (like Marilyn Monroe and Anette Funicello) and Los Angeles City College (Rudi Gernreich, Brenda Benet, Diana Canova, Albert Brooks, Morgan Freeman, Donna Reed, Victoria Vetri, Clint Eastwood, Mark Hamill, Pamela Courson, Gene Rodenberry, Charles BukowskiLaurence Fishburne).

She also went to Santa Monica College (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dustin Hoffman, Sean Penn, Paul Thomas Anderson, Monica Lewinsky, Hilary Swank).

In 1963 she married Hampton Fancher, who wrote the screenplay of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner with Harrison Ford, based on a novel of Philip K Dick. Fancher had a relationship with Barbara Hershey (Hollywood High School, relationship with Naveen Andrews who played Diana's lover).

Astrological chart

born 7/10/1946, date Nikola Tesla, Adrian Grenier, Jessica Simpson, Diane Hegarty, d Doris Tate (Diana was born 7/1, in Thelema 71 is the nr of Lam, stands for perfect illusion), a month before Bill Clinton, year of Jack Parsons' Babalon Workings.

Asc: Gemini, mc: Aquarius. Dom: Leo (Lust), Gemini, Sagittarius - Mercury, Moon, Pluto.

Houses 4, 7, 3. 4: Pluto, Mercury and Venus in Leo, 7: Moon and Lilith in Sagittarius, 3: Sun and Saturn in Cancer. 5: Mars in Virgo, Neptune in Libra.

died 12/28/2019, date Woodrow Wilson, d Susan Sontag, Denzel Washington, John Legend, d Dennis Wilson.


1962 Lolita Dolores "Lolita" Haze (=Lilith, Marilyn Monroe played 'Lolita' in 'Let's make love', haze=rabbit) Shelley Winters (The New School, Actors Studio) James Mason Peter Sellers Stanley Kubrick based on novel of Vladimir Nabokov (worked with Michael Josselson of the CFF and WH Auden, cousin of Nikolaj Nabokov CCF) MGM.

1964 The Night of the Iguana Charlotte Goodall John Huston (HHS) Richard Burton (married to Elizabeth Taylor) Ava Gardner (married to Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra) based on a play of Tennessee Williams (Actors Studio, Congress for Cultural Freedom) MGM
1966 7 Women John Ford Anne Bancroft Anna Lee (goddaughter of jesuit AC Doyle) Margaret Leighton (married to Laurence Harvey) MGM
1967 The Flim-Flam Man George C Scott (Dr Strangelove) Michael Sarrazin (They Shoot Horses Don't They of Sidney Pollack)
1969 Tony Rome Diana Pines Frank Sinatra Geena Rowlands (wife of John Cassavetes) Jill St John (married to Lance Reventlow, later married to Cheryl Holdridge of Mickey Mouse Club) produced by Aaron Rosenberg 20th Century Fox
1969 Arsenic and Old Lace Elaine Harper TV movie
1969 Four Rode Out Leslie Nielsen
1970 But I Don't Want to Get Married! Laura TV movie Nanette Fabray (niece of Lou Adler's wife Shelley Fabares) Shirley Jones (ABC show The Partridge Family, married to Jack Cassidy UHS) produced by Aaron Spelling for ABC
1971 Evel Knievel Linda George Hamilton as Evel Knievel directed by Marvin Chomsky (cousin of Noam Chomsky)
1971 Night Gallery NBC
1973 Murder in a Blue World (Clockwork Terror) Christopher Mitchum (son of Robert Mitchum) similar to fascist mind control experiments in Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange
1973 Tarot Angela
1976 Smash-Up on Interstate 5 Burnsey TV movie Sian Barbara Allen (Pasadena Playhouse) Vera Miles (Psycho)
1976 Crash! John Carradine (Ordo Templi Orientis) Leslie Parrish (The Manchurian Candidate) José Ferrer (Le Rosey)
1977 End of the World Christopher Lee Macdonald Carey (Days of Our Lives)
1977 Don't Push, I'll Charge When I'm Ready Wendy Sutherland (TV movie, made in 1969)
1978 The Astral Factor Darlene DeLong Re-released in 1984 as The Invisible Strangler Stefanie Powers (married to Gary Lockwood and William Holden) Elke Sommer (Playboy)
1978 Fantasy Island ABC
1978 Towing Lynn
1980 Alligator NBC Newswoman Robert Forster Henry Silva (TMC)


Stanley Kubrick
