Switzerland is a European country founded in 1291. It was named after the 7 sisters (schwester) of Isis, the Pleiades. It has a population of 8,5 million people. It was conquered by the Roman Empire and governed by the Habsburgs during the Holy Roman Empire. It is governed by the Jesuits. Its most populous city and capital is Bern. |
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It is a member of the European Union and the United Nations. It is home of the headquarter of CERN and BIS bank. It plays an important role in the corrupt financial system.
History of Switzerland
The Aryans populated the area of Switzerland as the Helvetii and the Hallstatt and La Tène culture. They were conquered by Roman Emperor Julius Caesar.
Rudolf I Habsburg built the Habsburg castle in Switzerland. The House of Habsburg originated in the House of Este (Guelph faction with red cross symbol).
1291 founding of the state Switzerland.
1307 After the Knights Templar who created a global banking system, are suppressed in France, they move to the newly founded Switzerland, with the Aryan solar symbol of the red cross as flag. The red cross-white background vs white cross-red background goes back to the rivalry between the papal Guelph faction and the Ghibeline faction of the Emperors.
Albrecht Gessler Habsburg played a role in the William Tell legends (archetype of the Fool).
1506 Pope Julius II (della Rovere) creates the Pontifical Swiss Guard on 1/22/1506.
Paracelsus introduces mercury poisoning (as cure for syphilis).
1648 end of the Thirty Years War sacrifice ritual, the Peace of Westphalia is signed in Osnabrück by jesuit trained Ferdinand III Habsburg.
1700s philosopher Jean-Jaques Rousseau (friend of jesuit Denis Diderot) influences the Jacobin Club that orchestrated the French Revolution.
1793 Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Johan von Goethe as members of Modestia cum Libertate in Zurich.
1804 Germaine de Stael's salon at Coppet castle.
1850 Jacob Burkhardt (friend of Nietzsche) introduces the concept of an Italian renaissance in The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy.
1862 the Bank in Winterthur is founded (later Union Bank of Switzerland and UBS).
1863 The International Red Cross is created at the First Geneva Convention by Guillaume Henri Dufour (army of Napoleon I) and Henry Dunant. Dunant also founds the Swiss branch of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA).
1866 Jacob Dubs founds the Swiss Red Cross. Friedrich Nietzsche is educated at the University of Basel.
1880 elite school Le Rosey is founded.
The Ordo Templi Orientis created the Monte Verità community near Ascona (Rudolf Steiner of the Theosophical Society, Carl Jung, Paul Klee, Hermann Hesse, Hugo Ball, Isadora Duncan,..), also used by the Wandervogel movement of Hans Bluher.
Members of the Monte Verità community create the modernist Dada movement at the Cabarat Voltaire in Zürich (death of God, nihilist crisis announced by Friedrich Nietzsche).
1918 the Red Cross plays a role in the Spanish flu epidemic. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Henry Pomeroy Davison (Skull and Bones, JP Morgan, creation of the Federal Reserve system, sons worked for CIA and Time) use the red crescent moon symbol.
Alberto Giacometti plays a role in the French art scene.
1924 Thomas Mann writes The Magic Mountain, set in Davos.
1930 the Bank for International Settlements (BIS bank) is created in Basel with a tower that represents the Tower of Babel, after the Treaty of Versailles, that imposed debt on Germany after the WW1 ritual (sequel to the Thirty Years' War).
1933 start of Eranos Conferences of Theosophist Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn (influenced by Alice Bailey, mother friend of GB Shaw) with Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade, Joseph Campbell, Gershom Scholem, Ludwig Derleth (Stefan George circle), Martin Buber, Erwin Schrödinger, Hermann Weyl near Monte Verità.
1936 the Party of Farmers is founded.
1945 Carl Jacob Burkhardt (UN) as president of Red Cross.
1947 Friedrich Hayek (LSE) founds the Mont Pelerin Society in Geneva at a gathering of the International Trade Organization.
1950 Landig group of Hans Landig.
1954 the CERN project is started in Geneve (coat of arms with key symbol, opening of the Abyss of Rev 911), funded by 27 countries.
1960s The Monte Verità community becomes the blueprint for the Laurel Canyon project (hippie counterculture of the 60's, Eranos conferences inspiration for the Esalen Institute).
1968 Erich von Däniken Chariot of the Gods?.
1971 Klaus Schwab founds the World Economic Forum, a globalist think tank and gathering of political puppets and 100 leading global companies, in Davos.
ARPANET/Internet is developed at CERN.
1995 the World Jewish Congress, led by Edgar Bronfman (Seagram-Polygram-Universal) plays a role in a fake lawsuit against Swiss banks for their role in the Holocaust. HR Giger is used in the Hollywood film industry (Alien with Sigourney Weaver).
1997 UBS is created (61 billions, money of half of all billionaires) with key symbol like the Vatican. It later merges with SG Warburg.
Director of UBS, Swiss billionaire Ernesto Bertarelli merged biotechnology company Sereno with the Merck Group. Christoph Blocher (Swiss People's Party) is a political puppet in the Right Wing Church. His daughter is shareholder of Ems-Chemie Holding and worked for Johnson & Johnson. Hansjorg Wyss is a member of Democracy Alliance with George Soros and Susie Tompkins Buell, which funds Media Matters for America. Margerita Bogdanova Louis-Dreyfus is related to Hollywood actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus, shareholder of Olympique-Marseille and works for the Louis Dreyfus Company.
Ruth Dreifuss is a member of Open Society Foundations. Hansjörg Wyss (Wyss Foundation) is a member of Center for American Progress.
2016 the Gotthard tunnel is opened with Baphomet symbolism.
Jonas Furrer, Constant Fornerod, Jacob Dubs (Swiss Red Cross), Karl Schenk (Swiss Red Cross), Giuseppe Motta (League of Nations of the Cecils), Jean-Marie Musy (friend of Heinrich Himmler), Enrico Celio, Ernst Nobs, Philipp Etter (friend of the nazi's), Willy Spühler, Pierre Graber, Kurt Furgler, Fritz Honegger, Flavio Cotti (negotiations with Holocaust survivors, Credit Suisse), Kaspar Villiger (Nestlé, Swiss Re, UBS), Ruth Dreifuss (OSF, SP, Council of Women World Leaders), Pascal Couchepin, Doris Leuthard (worked with Melinda Gates), Ueli Maurer, Simonetta Sommaruga (fake march in Paris after Charlie Hebdo hoax), Ignazio Cassis.
Jean-Marc Moussin, Joseph Franz Amrhyn, Johann Ulrich Schiess, Gottlieb Ringier, Hans Schatzmann, Adolf von Steiger, Robert Käslin, George Bovet, Oskar Leimgruber, Charles Oser, Karl Huber, Walter Buser, François Couchepin, Anne-Marie Huber (Swiss Red Cross), Corina Casanova, Walter Turnherr.