Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks is a mind controlled actor, used in the Hollywood film industry, the gay-transgender agenda and the Covid19 ritual. Tom= the twin, Hanks=Ankh, the key to life. His son, actor Tom Colin is trained by jesuits.

Through his mother Nancy Hanks, he is related to Abraham Lincoln, who was shot in a theater. Through Lucy Hanks he is related to George Clooney. He was programmed with Star Trek.

He narrated Killing Lincoln on National Geographic (Disney and Hearst).

He married actress Rita Wilson (Hollywood High School).

Astrological chart

born 7/9/1956, date OJ Simpson, Chris Cooper, Donald Rumsfeld, Courtney Love, water sign Cancer ruled by the moon, like William and Diana.

Asc: Virgo , mc: Gemini. Dom: Gemini (the Lovers), Cancer (the Chariotà, Virgo- Venus, Mercury and Mars.

Houses 10, 6, 11. 1: Virgo, Libra, 2: Neptune in Libra, 3: Saturn in Scorpio, 4: Lilith in Capricorn, 5(pleasure): Aquarius, 6: Mars in Pisces (the Moon), 8 (Shadow): Aries, Taurus, 10: Venus in Gemini, Mercury and Sun in Cancer, 11: Uranus and Moon in Leo, 12: Pluto and Jupiter in Virgo (the hermit).


1982 Mazes and Monsters Susan Strasberg
1984 Splash
3/9 (Pisces ruled by Neptune) Daryl Hannah (mermaid princess of cups, relationship with JFK Jr) John Candy Eugene Levy. Bauer (real name Bush family) twin towers Ron Howard  Disney
1984 Bachelor Party
1985 Volunteers (the fool, rainbow Wizard of Oz),
1985 The Man with One Red Shoe (ruby slippers Wizard of Oz)
1986 The Money pit (queen of cups) bottomless pit 9th symphony. wife Anna Crowley (Diane in Cheers). mouth of Pluto on the Tower card, year 16 the Tower-war between the sexes.
1986 Nothing in Common (face to face) with Jackie Gleason, also cancer, dead from cancer that year, 6/24 day of John the Baptist.
1987 Dragnet pagan cult that sacrifices virgins. gemini with Dan Akroyd 71 like Diana, Christopher Plummer
1988 Big eternal child Harpo secret,
1988 Punchline John Goodman
1989 The Burbs (queen of cups) Carrie Fisher Corey Feldman Bruce Dern Joe Dante
1989 Turner and Hooch, the Fool and his dog
1990 Joe vs the Volcano (queen of cups) 3/9 (pisces-the moon, 39=baal) Meg Ryan (margaret mary) Scorpio. average joe boring life, terminal disease escape to island. Lloyd Bridges as Samuel.
1990 The Bonfire of the Vanities Bruce Willis Melanie Griffith Morgan Freeman Kirsten Dunst Brian De Palma
1992 A League of their Own aleph the Fool the Chariot Geena Davis (thelma louise) and Madonna.

1993 Sleepless in Seattle (the moon) the Lovers gemini mercury Meg Ryan (=Meghan Markle)
1993 Philadelphia (aids sodomy-gay agenda, one of 7 churches in Book of Revelation) jesuit Denzel Washington dec 22 (capricorn) hammer Cain and Abel. Andy Beckett
1994 Forrest Gump Robert Zemeckis Gary Sinise Paramount Pictures
1995 Apollo 13 (Apollyon, bottomess pit) 6/30 (cancer, the Chariot ruled by the moon)

Ron Howard Ed Harris Kevin Bacon William Bill Paxton like Moonchild William.
1995 Toy Story (robot programming Pixar/Disney, executive produced by Steve Jobs of Apple) 11/19 Scorpio, 11/22 (date JFK Apollo mission), cowboy Woody the Hanged Man, Buzz Lightyear=Buzz Aldrin Apollo moon mission (mm=33).
1996 That Thing You Do, mr White becoming a star. based on The Beatles (from Liv-erpool, Revelation 911), Liv Tyler (7/1 like Diana) as Faye Dolan (Dodi Fayed) Giovanni Ribisi Charlize Theron. oct 4 (libra date first single The Beatles)
1998 Saving Private Ryan Steven Spielberg (made Lincoln biopic) role of capt Miller saving Matt Damon (Libra, the Daemon)= Ryan Lindbergh baby. d-day 6/6/1944.
1998 You Got Mail, as Joe Fox (=mercury) Meg Ryan as Kathleen Kelly Dave Chappelle
1999 Toy Story 2 v sign hierophant, 11/13 Scorpio with Tim Allen gemini.
1999 The Green Mile based on Stephen King novel David Morse Michael Clarke Duncan as John Coffey (black jesus jc).
2001 Cast Away (AV male and female like the Da Vinci Code) Frederick Smith (FedEx, Skull and Bones) ritual death-rebirth of the Fool Helen Hunt Robert Zemeckis.
2002 Road to Perdition also great depression (ref to 8 kings in Book of Revelation) Stanley Tucci
2002 Catch Me If You Can (cc=33) Steven Spielberg, with Leonardo di Caprio Scorpio typhon, Orion the hunter. dec 25 Capricorn ruled by Saturn (Pan), flies with Pan am. based on Frank William Abnegale (taurus) and Joseph Shea, dead 8/4/2005 Obama's 44th birthday. Martin Sheen Amy Adams Christopher Walken. Mercury (air travel, trickster) in Cancer.

2004 The Terminal (the Fool) Steven Spielberg Catherine Zeta-Jones 9/25 libra adjustment (Catherine Sforza-Middleton) Stanley Tucci Zoe Saldana written by Sasha Gervasi, married to Jessica Rothschild
2004 Polar Express Steven Tyler (father of Liv Tyler) Robert Zemeckis.
2005 Walking on the Moon (wm=33)
2006 The Da Vinci Code (Da Vinci, working for the Sforza's) Ron Howard Audrey Tautou Jean Réno Ian McKellen (gay agenda) Paul Bettany Alfred Molina, about Luciferian Knights Templar, guarding the Luciferian Sforza-Middleton bloodline of Catherine, filmed at house of Cecils, novel of Dan Brown
2007 Charlie Wilson's War Julia Roberts Philip Seymour Hoffman
2009 Angels and Demons the Chariot helicopter st Peter square Rome, antimatter (cup and phallus, like in Oz the Great) Ewan MacGregor, references to the Illuminati.
2009 Beyond All Boundaries Kevin Bacon Blythe Danner Jesse Eisenberg John Goodman Tom Kane Neil Patrick Harris Brad Pitt Elijah Wood
2011 Larry Crowne the sun Julia Roberts Pam Grier
2012 Cloud Atlas scientist at CERN (time portals) creating new Atlantis, cyborg slave race Halle Berry Rinko Kikuchi Hugo Weaving Susan Sarandon
2013 Saving Mr Banks (=private ryan) as Walt Disney chasing the Shadow the Daemon Emma Thompson Colin Farrell Jason Schwartzman

2016 A Hologram for the King
2016 Sully Laura Linney Aaron Eckhart Katie Couric
2017 Inferno the tower Flaming Sword of Lightning Felicity Jones (Miranda in The Tempest).

dangerous virus, announces the Corona-ritual.
2017 The Circle wheel of fortune Emma Watson
2017 The Post (grey, touch chin) Meryl Streep as Katharine Graham (Truman Capote black and white ball, Ben Bradlee Richard Nixon's Watergate)
2019 Toy Story 4 the hierophant Tim Allen Christina Hendricks Patricia Arquette Keanu Reeves Timothy Dalton Disney
2020 Greyhound
2020 Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Jena Friedman (Comedy Central) Sacha Baron Cohen Amazon Studios Covid19-ritual Mike Pence Jim Russell (Qanon psyop) Donald Trump (deleted scenes)
2022 Elvis as Colonel Parker manager of Elvis Presley (Austin Butler) Baz Luhrman Kelvin Harrison (jesuit) as BB King Gail Berman (jewish)
2022 Pinocchio Robert Zemeckis Joseph Gordon-Levitt Disney


Mind control
