Trilateral Commission
The Trilateral Commission (TC) is a globalist think tank, founded by jesuit Tadashi Yamamoto, jesuit Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller (jesuit controlled LSE), in 1973. |
It served as a continuation of the League of Nations/UN and Chatham House, focused on US-Japan relations. Like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission with its 666 logo, has become a conspiracy cliché, mostly used to revive the Illuminati-hoax with Rockefellers and Rothschilds as master minds.
- Akio Morito (co-founder of Sony)
- Alan Greenspan (Le Cercle, Federal
- Alexander Graff Lammbdsorf (jesuit, European Parliament, Atlantik-Brücke,
- Alexander Haig (jesuit, CFR,
Order of Malta, Pilgrims
Society, Reagan)
- Alexander Kan (dutch leftist politician)
- Alice Rivlin (jesuit, Federal
- André Levy-Lang (BNP Paribas, Rothschild
& Co, Le Siècle)
- Andreas Treichl (Chase Manhattan, Open
Society Foundations, ECFR)
- Andrew Brimmer (Federal Reserve)
- Andrew Liveris (Citigroup, Covid19-ritual)
- Andrew Young (Civil Rights
Movement with MLK,
mayor of Atlanta)
- Andrzey Olechowski (ECFR, Polish government)
- Anna Eckström (Swedish Minister of
- Anne Lauvergean (nuclear energy Areva, Alcatel, Koç Holding, Rio
Tinto, Airbus)
- Anne-Marie Slaughter (AB, CSIS, CFR,
Director of Policy Planning under Barack
Obama, New America with Eric Schmidt of Google,
McDonalds, Citigroup)
- Annie Lööf (Swedish Minister for Enterprise)
- Anthony Solomon (Federal Reserve
NY, Group of Thirty)
- Antonio Borges (=Borghese, Goldman
Sachs, IMF)
- Arend Oetker (chairman Atlantik-Brücke,
German CFR, Hero Group)
- Arnold Kanter (Undersecretary of State)
- Arrigo Levi (Italian journalist Corriere
della Sierra, RAI)
- Arthur Burns (Federal Reserve, Mont Pelerin Society, US
ambassador to Germany)
- Axel Weber (Deutsche Bundesbank, UBS Group, Group of Thirty, Berggruen
- Barber Conable (World Bank)
- Bill Clinton (jesuit,
US president)
- Borja Prado (Mediaset, Mediobanco)
- Carlo Pesenti (Le Cercle)
- Condoleezza Rice (911
- Conrad Black (Hollinger International, the Daily Telegraph, 1001)
- Daniel Jansen (Solvay, Club of Rome)
- David Abshire (advisor Reagan, CSIS)
- David Gergen (WEF, Bohemian Club)
- David Ignatius (CFR,
Atlantik-Brücke, German Marshall
- David Ormsby-Gore Cecil (CIA)
- George HW Bush (CIA,
US president)
- Donald Graham (Washington Post, Facebook)
- Edmond de Rothschild
- Enrico Letta (pm Italy, Publicis)
- Eric Schmidt (Google,
Berggruen Institute)
- Etienne Davignon (ERT)
- Frances Townsend (advisor George Bush, CNN, CBS)
- Françoise de Rose (CERN)
- Fred Langhammer (Estée Lauder, Disney)
- Gerhard Schröder (ex-chancellor
of Germany, Berggruen
- Guido Colonna di Paliano (European
- Herman Van Rompuy (jesuit, European
- Ian Bremmer (CFR,
Eurasia Group)
- Indra Nooyi (PepsiCo)
- Jacob Wallenberg (robotics company ABB,
Ericsson, ERT)
- Javier Solano (NATO, ECFR, CFR)
- Jean-Claude Trichet (European Bank)
- Jean Lemierre (BNP Paribas)
- Jimmy Carter
- Josef Ackerman (Deutsche Bank, Atlantic
Council, Atlantik-Brücke,
Group of Thirty)
- Josef Joffe (AB, Aspen
Institute Germany, IISS, Die Zeit, Hoover
- Karel Schwarzenberg (ECFR, descendants of the
Habsburgs, Roman Empire, Order
of the Golden Fleece)
- Louise Fresco (Unilever, Rabobank)
- Lykke Fris (LSE of
Fabian Society, ECFR)
- Lucas Papademos (European Bank)
- Mario Monti (jesuit, pm Italy)
- Marta Dassu (Aspen Institute, ECFR)
- Max Kohnstamm (Club of Rome)
- Meghan O'Sullivan (war Iraq, CFR)
- Mette Frederiksen (pm of Denmark)
- Michael Bloomberg (Mayor NY)
- Monica Maggioni (Rai, ECFR)
- Nout Wellink (BIS bank, Bank of China)
- Paul Volcker (Federal Reserve NY,
Atlantic Council, CFR,
Le Cercle, Group of Thirty)
- Paul Wolfowitz
- Sigmar Gabriel (vice chancellor under Angela
- Stephen Friedman (Goldman Sachs,
Intelligence Advisory Board of George
W Bush, Quill and Dagger, Federal
Reserve NY, CFR
and Brookings)
- Steven Mnuchin (S&B, Trump)
- Susan Berresford (CFR,
Ford, Chase Bank)
- Thomas Friedman (The NY Times)
- Thomas Leysen (Mediahuis, mining company Umicore, KBC, ERT)
- Toomas Hendrick Ilves (CIA front Radio Free
Europe, ex-president of Estonia, Facebook
Oversight Board, ECFR)
- Victor Orban (dictator of Hungary,
scholarschip of George Soros)
- Warren Christopher (Clinton administration)
Deceased members: Peter
Sutherland (Goldman Sachs,
immigration agenda), Umberto Agnelli (Fiat,
related to Furstenberg), Katharine Graham,..
Council on Foreign