
Tutankhamun (Thoth-ankh-Amun) was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, who ruled Egypt from 1332 bc to 1323 bc, succeeding his father Akhenaten. He married his half sister Ankhenasamun (tradition of incest).  Akhenaten had introduced monotheism (the God program) in Egypt with the worship of the sun disk Aten at the city Amarna (sun gazing as daily morning ritual). He was the son of Queen Tiyee (Nordic bloodline of Yuya) and Amenhotep III, married to Nefertiti and the father of Tutankhamon and Meritaten.

Akhenaten corresponded with Babylonian king Burna Buriash II about a possible marriage with his daughter. In Babylon, Chaldean Magi mixed Kabbalism with heretic teachings of monotheistic Zoroastrianism.

Horemheb, Ramses 1 and Seti planned a military coup against him. To prevent civil war, he abdicated the throne to his son Tutanchaten who changed his name into Tutanchamun and restored the old religion.

His sister was Meritaten, also known as Scota. The Scottish claim descent of queen Scota (legends of Goidel Glas sailing to the north) and developed the Scottish Rite.

He was buried with a dagger of iron of meteorites. His burial mask consists of gold, turqoize (also used in masks of Aztecs and breastplates of jewish priests of Ark of the Covenant) and lapis lazuli.

He was succeeded by Ay and Horemheb.

In the jewish bible of the Judaism cult he became the biblical figure Moses.

Howard Carter, trained by Flinders Petrie and backed by George Herbert (married to a Rothschild) and Arthur Mace (Petrie's cousin) and Albert Lythgoe (Hearst expedition) of the Met, excavated his tomb in Valley of the Kings. Propaganda agent AC Doyle (HOGD) helped spreading the Curse of Tutankhamun mythology.

Tutankhamun in pop culture

1930s Nefertiti worshipped by the nazi's.

1980 The Curse of King Tut's Tomb Eva Maria Saint (Elia Kazan's On the Waterfront, Otto Preminger's Exodus) Harry Andrews Tom Baker (Dr Who) NBC Columbia Pictures Television.

1998 Mysteries of Egypt IMAX Omar Sharrif. glorification of Nefertiti and Tutankhamun in program Pop (Michael Jackson's Remember the Time) and Hip Hop (Tupac Shakur, Nas).

2005 Egypt BBC Andrew Sachs (Fawlty Towers with John Cleese).

2016 Tutankhamun ITV Sam Neill (The Omen) as George Herbert Max Irons as Howard Carter.


