William F. Buckley Jr
William Francis Buckley Jr was a CIA agent, Knight of Malta, member of Skull and Bones and political puppet of the Right Wing Church. He was educated at The New School and Yale. In 1955 he founded National Review magazine. In 1960 he founded the Young Americans for Freedom with Luciferian torch (also in Diana's Memorial in Paris, mother of William V). Doug Caddy of the YAF played a role in the Watergate media ritual with Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy. The YIF had ties to the World Anti-Communist League and Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church (also friend of George HW Bush). |
He was the son of oil magnate and Knight of Malta William Buckley Sr. He was educated at Milbrook School like John Dawson (associated with Grateful Dead), Rachel Uchitel (911 Twin Towers ritual), Thomas Lovejoy (WWF of Julian Huxley), Nicholas Kazan (son of Elia Kazan), Rufus Wainwright (DreamWorks Records), Robert Kennedy Jr (jesuit), Robert Wood Johnson (Johnson & Johnson),..
He was a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and the Philadelphia Society with his publisher Henry Regnery, Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh,...
National Review was a
successor of The Freeman (ACCF members Henry
Hazlitt and John Chamberlain, Buckley's advisor Frank Meyer). It
- Russell Kirk (given Presidential Citizen's Medal by Ronald
- James Burnham (OSS, ex-communist, New
York University, ACCF)
- Frank Meyer (LSE,
- Whittaker Chambers (Time of Knight
of Malta Henry Luce, ACCF)
- Midge Rosenthal Decter
(NY Intellectuals, Harper's
Magazine, The Heritage
Foundation, CPD,
Committee for the
Free World, married to Moshe Decter ACCF)
- her son John Podoretz (New York Post, speechwriter for S&B
member George HW Bush and Knight
of Malta Ronald Reagan)
- John Dos Passos (Choate Rosemary Hall school, friend of Ernest
Hemingway, ACCF, The Liberator of Max Eastman,
Dewey Commission, campaigned for Barry Goldwater and
Richard Nixon)
- Max Eastman (Greenwich Village
scene, ACCF, Mont
Pelerin Society, The Liberator, McCarthyism)
- Arianna Huffington (The
Huffington Post, Berggruen
He played the role of critic of the John Birch Society.
Lee Edwards of the YAF was a member of The Heritage Foundation and founded the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation with jesuits Edwin Feulner, Lev Dobriansky (Georgetown, CNCN with Yaroslav Stetsko of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (Le Cercle, CFR, TC, AB).
The current editor of National Review is Rich Lowry.
Kelsey Grammer played Buckley in Best of Ennemies (2015) with John Lithgow as Gore Vidal (gay agenda).
His cousin Brent Bozell also plays a role in the Right Wing Church, as founder of the Parents Television and Media Council (Billy Ray Cyrus, father of Miley Cyrus) and member of the National Conservative Union with Terry Dolan and Roger Stone. He appeared on Fox News and wrote for the Washington Post, Washington Times, National Review.
Astrological chart
born 11/24/1925, date Ted Bundy, Katherine Heigl, death Lee Harvey Oswald, death Freddie Mercury, in New York.
Asc: Gemini, mc: Aquarius. Dom: Sagittarius (Art), Pisces, Gemini - Mercury (writing), Neptune, Uranus.
Houses 10, 7, 8. 10: Moon, Uranus in Pisces, 7: Mercury in Sagittarius, 8: Jupiter and Venus in Capricorn. 2: Pluto and Lilith in Cancer, 3: Neptune in Leo.
died 2/27/2008, date John Connelly, Noah Emmerich.
1970 Did You Ever See a Dream Walking: American Conservative Thought in 20th Century