
Zeus was the Greek god of thunder associated with Jupiter, worshiped by elite families who practiced blood sacrifice, incest and pedophilia (symbolism of Zeus and his 'cup-bearer' Ganymede) under influence of the God matrix. He was one of the 3 sons of Cronos (Saturn) and Rhea and his wife was Hera. His symbols were the eagle, the bull, oak and the lightning bolt. Zeus is the god of thunder, storms and lightnings, defeated and castrated his father Cronus and the other Titans in Hesiod's Theogeny, based on song of Kumarbi of the Nesilim. He was seen as ruler of Mount Olympos (center of 12 zodiac signs).

 The other Olympian deities were Apollo (Sun), Poseidon (Neptune), Aphrodite (Venus), Hermes (Mercury), Artemis (Moon), Ares (Mars), Hephaestus, Athena, Hera, Hestia or Dionysus who lived on Mount Olympus.

He punished Prometheus for stealing fire from the gods. He defeated serpentine monster Typhon.

The Olympic games were held every 4 year. Mount Ida on Crete was seen as his birthplace.

With Hera he was the father of Ares (Mars), Hephaestus (god of blacksmiths and metallurgy). With Persephone was the father of Dionysus. With Leto he was the father of Apollo. With Maia he was the father of Hermes (Mercury). With mortal woman Alcyone he was the father of demi-god Hercules. Lacedaemon was his son with princess Sparta, the founder of Sparta. He is often depicted as shapeshifting and with reptilian features.

Zeus played a role in Homer's Iliad.

In Sumer the father god was worshiped as Enlil, in Egypt judge Osiris (also associated with Orion) with Set as brother or Amun, in Babylon Marduk, in Judaism YHVH, in Norse mythology Odin,.. Baal was also a thunder and lightning god, depicted with a club like Hercules. The Hurrians worshiped Teshub, the Nesilim Tarhunt.

According to the Greek priests Zeus created men out of the ash/Ashtar tree, a plant of the olive and lilac family with opposite leaves and winged niki seeds, that reproduces biparental, during the Bronze Age.

His statue at Mount Olympos was constantly anointed with olive oil (later destroyed).

The Gigantomachy battle was depicted on the Pergamon altar (150 bc) in Pergamon Turkey.

Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion, largeness, ruled the Age of Pisces (image of the father sky god in Christianity, dome of St Peter of the Catholic Church). Zeus became Deus in Latin, with his son Je-zeus Christos (oil).

Jupiter is pictured as a male figure, a benevolent father, a thinking person, a teacher of higher learning (the Hierophant card). In kabbalism Jupiter is associated with the sphere of Chesed (Mercy).

It takes Jupiter 12 years to circle the zodiac, rules the zodiac and its 12 signs. Its symbol is nr 24 (24h a day), symbol of Saturn sideways, nr 42 window to spirit world, rabbit hole Lepus. He represents the good side of Saturn (Light vs Dark), earth sign Taurus is the Hierophant, the Prince of Disks, the builder of worlds, the gnostic Demiurge.


