Atlantis was an ancient civilization in the northpole region of Earth, the mythical Hyperborea, the so-called Garden of Eden, where the cold blooded Draco-Orion hybrid race started genetically engineering a slave race (a DNA downgrade and manipulation through the pineal gland) and put the Saturn cult in charge (Nephilim giants, known in Sumer as the Anunaki). The civilization migrated to an island in the Atlantic Ocean and eventually migrated to Western Europe, creating Western civilization.
Both mainstream archeology and controlled
opposition like Graham Hancock,
David Wilcock, Michael Tsarion are
attempts of the Saturn cult to muddle and ridicule the truth so history
of human manipulation is seen as a pseudoscientific theory, in contrast
with Darwinism as proven fact.
45.000 bc the descendants of Atlantis spread to North America
and Western Europe, the Aryans become the Irish,
in legends Tuatha de Danan, the Danites from Den-mark,
Swe-den, follow the Danube, to the Levant as
the Tribe of Dan. They have conflicts with the indigenous peoples,
interbreed, until they become one culture.
15.000 bc as 2nd step in conquering
earth, the moon is brought into orbit of
earth, causing the first flood. The female reproduction system is no
longer insync with the sun, but the the barren
9.500 bc comets destroy Greenland and half of North America.
After the melting of the Laurentide ice sheet, the North American lakes
are formed.
8000 bc the water of lakes pours into the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, causing another flood, the final end of Northern and Atlantic civilization.
All cultures have mythology about the flood. All rulers of Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek and
Roman cultures worshiped the Atlantean gods of the North and the West,
claimed to be descendants from them. They teach humans the flood was
their own fault (rivalry of Enlil and Enki).
In South France the Atlanteans become the Basques (Resus- bloodline). The Basque Euraska language has similarities to the language of the Etruscans, the Guanche of Canary Islands, the Nahuatl of the Aztecs.
1500 bc building of pyramids in preclassical period of Maya civilisation, Egyptian civilization.
In the modern age, the education system teaches the flood never happened and Atlantis never existed.
The ancient texts of fictional Plato were forged around the same time the Bible was invented, in the 1400s, during the so-called 'renaissance' of the Medici's. The account of a flood in Plato's text Timaeus was written to fit with the story of Genesis of the Catholic Church. Plato called Atlantis the island of Atlas. Timaeus describes the 5 Platonic solids.
Jesuit Athanasius Kircher included a map of Atlantis in Mundus Subterraneus.
In the modern age, the Saturn cult, the British Empire with rosicrucians like John Dee and Francis Bacon start planning building the New Atlantis in America, as descendants of the Aryans/Irish through the industrial and scientific revolution.
After religious indoctrination (humans as slaves of the 'gods', humans as slaves of one almighty 'God'), the God program was replaced by the Darwinistic worldview (humans as small, insignificant results of sheer coincidence, primitive monkey's) without explanation why all cultures across the world built pyramids on leylines, aligned with the stars and worshiped nearly the same gods (the God program).
The quest for the lost Atlantis civilization became an inside joke for the initiated who know the symbolic meaning, the search for lost innocence, a sacred mountain, a lost paradise that is within, in the heart, the immovable center, symbolized by the North star.
1800s because of freemasons like Ignatius Donnelly, and Helena Blavatsky, leading the Luciferian Theosophical Society, theories about Atlantis resurface, together with theories of Sri Yukteswar about the Great Year, coming of a New Age, a new golden age, similar to the Atlantis era (start of the New Age Church). James Churchward and James Sclater popularize the concept of another civilization called Lemuria.
In HP Lovecraft's mythology, the Atlantean gods become the Old Ones. Edgar Cayce spreads disinfo on Atlantis in the 30s. Wonder Woman's Paradise Island mythology is based on Atlantis.
During Nazism (the WW1 and WW2 ritual) these vague myths are used as an excuse to link the concept of an Aryan civilization to racial purity and superiority over lunar demonic races, the jesuit cult of the Black Sun take revenge on protestant Germany, create the Zionist state of Israel. Alfred Rosenberg in his The Myth of the 20th Century bases the concept of an Aryan civilization on the civilization of Atlantis. Julius Evola also bases his theories about Aryans on Atlantis.
After Nazism, this knowledge is erased from history books, the
conquerors rewrite history again, impose the Darwinistic
Out-of-Africa theory, link it with the white guilt doctrine of multiculturalism
and link the true story to eurocentric, white nationalist and racist
ideologies. Like the Nazi's, white supremacists love a superficial,
literal interpretation out of a yearning of a glorious past, trying to
prove white Aryans were genetically superior, while the reason why a
white elite was allowed to rule by their reptilian overlords, was
because they were genetically more susceptible to mind
1954 Lyon Sprague de Camp (Conan the Barbarian novels about Atlantis with Robert E Howard) Lost Continents: the Atlantis theme in history, science and literature.
1974 Charles Berlitz The Bermuda Triangle. Berlitz (jewish Berlizheimer family, Yale, US Army intelligence) also wrote on Atlantis and the Philadelphia Experiment and wrote The Roswell Incident (the Roswell psyop in New Mexico) with William Moore (MUFON).
Graham Hancock deliberately spreads distractions like Bimini Road, Yonaguni,... David Wilcock claims to be a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and connects Atlantis to Antarctica. Michael Tsarion pushes the fake truth movement towards neo-paganism and Crowley's Thelema. Semir Osmanagic promotes the concept of Bosnian pyramids as an easy prey for debunkers of pseudoscience.
1985 NASA built Space Shuttle Atlantis.
1986 the Yonaguni Monument hoax spread by Masaaki Kumura, promoted by Graham Hancock, Jordan Maxwell, John Anthony West, Robert Schoch (Coast to Coast AM), to be debunked by the CfI (Brian Dunning).
1989 The Little Mermaid Disney king Triton as king of Atlantis.
2001 Atlantis: the Lost Empire Disney produced by Don Hahn (Fantasia 2000) Michael J Fox (as linguist working for Smithsonian) Cree Summer (The Carebears Movie, sister of Rainbow Sun Francks who played in Stargate Atlantis) Leonard Nimoy crystal powered by collective consciousness, based on Plato and Edgar Cayce, use of spiral symbol, as campaigns of McDonald's and Kellogg's.
2003 Atlantis Milo's Return.
CERN started the ATLAS Collaboration.
2004 Stargate Atlantis Syfy Jason Momoa.
Luciferian New Age cult disinfo of Spirit Science based on channeling of Drunvalo Melchisidek.
2009 History Channel disinfo about Atlantis with Ancient Aliens. Ronald Fritze (Cambridge, Skeptic Magazine with Richard Dawkins on its board) published Invented Knowledge: False History, Fake Science, and Pseudo-religions. Jason Colavito (Ancient Aliens Debunked, Skeptic Magazine) published Faking History: Essays on Atlantis, Monsters and More, tracing the Ancient Astronauts legends to HP Lovecraft.
2015 BBC series Atlantis with Alexander Siddig and Anya Taylor-Joy (The Northman).
The UN, WHO,
Atlantik-Brücke and
Atlantic Council use the north pole symbolism to recreate the days
of Genesis, the days of Atlantis, 26.000 years ago with biometrics,
eugenics, etc...
Misleading books on Atlantis
Edgar Cayce 'Edgar Cayce on Atlantis'
Ignatius Donnelly 'Atlantis The Antedeiluvian World'
Frank Joseph (American Nazi Party) 'The Destruction of Atlantis',
'Atlantis Encoclypedia', 'Atlantis and other lost worlds'
Maurice Doreal Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantian (sing fragments of HP Lovecraft)
Joscelyn Godwin 'Atlantis and the Cycles of time'
Graham Hancock 'Underworld: The
Mysterious Origins of Civilisation' (published by Bertelmannsgroup)
Rudolf Steiner (Theosophical
Society) 'Atlantis: The Fate of a Lost Land and its Secret
Colin Wilson 'the Atlantis Blueprint'