All religions are one big program. All religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, western atheïsm, humanism and capitalism/materialism, the religion of authority (Left Wing and Right Wing politics) and the New Age religion are one cult, the cult of Saturn (symbolized by the black box, rings and One Eye symbolism).
Through the ages, the Saturn cult invented religions and cults to manipulate and control people through activating the pineal gland, giving them experiences of bliss and 'waking up' but trapping them in a false reality of Saturn energy, in a God program, making them act repressive, dogmatic and fanatical.
Our history (in short)
Something happened in the process of human evolution, that caused a fall of consciousness, and degraded humans into a slave race. A bloodline of elite families, most susceptible to mind control was put in charge as a priest class to uphold religion and systems of oppression (the idea of divine right to rule, being closer to the gods).
A 2nd group of slavemasters invaded, rebelled against the old 'gods' and took over the experiment (the consciousness known as Lucifer). The Egyptian pharao bloodlines of Akhenaten (Moses) turned into the Scottish House of Bruce- Stuart -and eventually Windsor, the ruling families at the moment, always protected by Templars, Jesuits and Freemasons, all with the same one eye/crown-chakra symbolism.
This has led to a classic collection of the most violent, cruel, psychopathic characters in the history of mankind. Dynasties like the Habsburgs tried so hard to keep their bloodline 'pure', their faces became deformed through all the incest and they became infertile.
They could only rule, not because they were so brilliant, but because this consciousness ruled their mind as one race (one Saturnian ring to rule them all).
The parasitic consciousness that rules the elite, that can only invert, inverted the solar worship of the earliest civilization into a perverse, distorted solar religion (leading to sacrifice rituals of Aztecs, Mayans, Canaanites,..). Out of the serpent worship of Valentinus and the Cathar movement, grew modern Luciferianism with an emphasis on sodomy. During the era of the Roman Empire and later, the so called Holy Roman Empire, they always continued to worship Saturn, using Kabbalism, Tarot and numerology.
During the modern era, Rosicrucians gave rise to Protestantism and the scientific and industrial revolution. The same Egyptian symbolism of obelisks and Sirius worship, continued in the American Empire. A corrupt financial system is designed to maintain slavery and an elaborate facade of Hollywood celebrities and fake media stories is used to create a false reality, manipulate thoughts and emotions. Technology is used to recreate the fall after biting of the Apple of Lucifer.
Obviously the elite is in the final stage of implementing a Luciferian totalitarian regime of global enslavement. An agenda is rolled out of transhumanism, transgender-propaganda, climate-nazism, forced immigration, forced vaccination, to create an androgynous, Egyptian looking slave race with a hive mind. The largest part of humanity is sleepwalking, keeps believing the lies on tv or controlled opposition and shows little or no resistance.
Slaves are distracted to create one lame herd, ready to bow down for One World Government, and coronation of King William V, who basically owns the whole world, the biblical Fifth Kingdom, their inverted interpretation, of the 'Kingdom of Christ'. This concept of biblical endtimes is not the end of the world, but the end of a 26.000 year old cycle, the Great Year.
This ridiculous plan of total control is just not going to work. As a species, we need to get rid of a deeply ingrained victim-mentality, discover how strong and powerful we really are. It's going to take a massive effort of a massive amount of people to turn this around, but it starts with doing the inner work.
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Mind Control | Greys |
History of Mind Control | Reptilians |
Atlantis | Pedophilia |
Extraterrestrials | Satanism |
Movie and tv analysis
the psychological aspect of dealing with all this
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