the 50's
1950 (2 the High
1951 (3 the Empress)
1952 (4 the Emperor)
1953 (5 the Hierophantl)
1954 (6 the Lovers)
1955 (7 the Chariot)
1956 (8 Justice)
1957 (9 the Hermit)
1958 (10 Wheel of Fortune)
1959 (11 Lust/Strength)
1950 2/8
founding of Stasi secret intelligence of East Germany.
3/4 Disney Cinderella =Persephone (the world)
date Lucille Laverne Snow White, go to Yesod. Immanuel Velikovsky Worlds in
year 2-2 the High Priestess
3/20 William Hurt. 4/13 Ron Perlman, Joseph Paul Franklin.
Jupiter in Pisces
4/20 (Hitler's bday, nr of rainbows) CIA
approves mind control Project
Bluebird, later Project Artichoke, creation of amnesia,
hypnotic triggers, for trauma based mind
control. Victims programmed in satanic sodomy rituals have a
locked-in three-year-old mindset as the core of the programming.
Somebody who knows the signal or says the code word can call out the
three-year-old core. The person then goes into the three-year-old state
to be sodomized, then the sodomites program into their minds what they
want to program, and when the person wakes up, he remembers nothing. The
aim of the project is create the Aeon
of Horus the child, staying a young child forever.
Ron Hubbard and Sara Northrup
Hollister develop Dianetics (goddess Diana), based on Norbert Wiener's Cybernetics,
inspired by near death experience. 6/17 wedding Ethel (born 411) and Robert Kennedy. 6/26 CIA
founds propaganda group Congress
for Cultural Freedom in Berliln (Melvin Lasky, Nikolai Nabokov, Bertrand Russell, John
Dewey of The New School),
US branch American Committee on Cultural Freedom
and Committee on
the Present Danger.
Modernism 'god is dead' mother goddess isis sophia, worship of black box
matter without mind.
8/10 Sunset Boulevard, Nancy Ann Olsen as Betty,
William Holden, sunset strip in the Blue Dahlia. (Billy Wilder Double
Indemnity) Gloria Swanson (mistress of Joseph Kennedy) watch Queen Kelly
(Rose Kelly) play in play of the Tempest.
8/15 birth Elizabeth's second child
Anne (like Anne Boleyn, Anna Lindbergh, Ann Dunham, Anne Hathaway, Anna
Nicole). 9/21 Bill Murray.
11/20 Saturn in libra (exalt). 11/28 Ed
Harris (The Truman Show). 12/25 Vendetta Faith Domergue.
Truman signs Emergency War Powers Act- Cold War, dialectic between blue
and red, Vatican takes over country after country, installing dictators,
subordinate to the Pope. proxy war US-Soviet union Korean War (after Mao
eliminated Chinese opium trade). Opium from Indochina travels through
Iran and Lebanon to the Corsican Mafia in Marseilles and the Sicilian
Mafia under Lucky Luciano. veterans used in project Artichoke. CIA
causes civil war in Laos, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, British Guyana.
Truman assassination attempt, killing
Leslie William Coffelt.
1951 year 2-3
the Empress 1/30 Phil Collins. 3/17 Kurt Russell.
6/13 Stellan Skarsgard. Arthur C Clarke short story the Sentinel. Robert
Kennedy and Ethel first child. 7/6 Geoffey Rush. 7/8 venus in
virgo. 7/16 date birth set, JD Salinger The Catcher in the Rye . 7/21
Robin Williams. 7/26 premiere Disney's
Alice in Wonderland,
(Egyptian Babylonian religion Isis going to underworld) used for trauma
based mind control, Kathryn Beaumont
as Alice, Verna Felton as Queen of Hearts. Streetcar Named Desire, Marlon
Brando Vivian Leigh. 8/7 Anjelica
Huston. 9/5 Michael Keaton.
9/25 Mark Hamill (=alhim, hamilton).
10/2 Sting. 10/5 Bob Geldof.
1952 year 2-4
the Emperor (mythology about German UFO's fly in group over the
White House as a form of blackmail). United Nations
building as city state in the turtlebay of NY. 1/27 venus in capric
2/6 king George the 6th dies, queen Elizabeth
II ascends throne.(name Elizabeth Short, killed by
George Hodel, Parsons archetype). 3/15 Harvey
Weinstein. 4/11 Debbie Reynolds Singing in the
Rain, umbrella symbolism. 5/14 Robert Zemeckis. 6/17 death antichrist Jack
Parsons, date wedding Robert
Kennedy (also the emperor Mars archetype). 9/23 Rocky Marciano
becomes world champ.
Founding of Le Cercle by
Antoine Pinay, aimed at cooperation between French
and German industrialists, members of Opus
Dei and Order of Malta (Otto
Skorzeny, Konrad Adenauer, Otto Habsburg ,
Robert Cecil, Ted Shackley CIA Cuba Vietnam),
private intelligence network, connected to Operation Gladio cia network
guerilla war supposedly to anticipate Soviet invasion, to terrorize
European nations with violent left wing cults and keep them in check of
NATO, modeled on the OSS and rhsa part of SS, of Julius Evola. Peter
Tennant, SOE veteran, later ex MI6 Anthony Cavendish (Cecil).
10/7 Vladimir Putin. 11/3 Roseanne
11/4 founding of NSA, worldwide mass data collection,
cryptography MI8. entertainment/news industry
creating pop as the modern opium, to program the masses who instead of
fighting slavery, spend their free time watching tv. 12/23 winter
solstice Moulin Rouge John Huston Zsa Zsa Gabor, wife of Conrad
Hilton. Herbert Marcuse starts
teaching at Columbia, Harvard
and Brandeis University. New year Andrija Puharich's The Nine CIA psyop with indian mystic DG Vinod channeling of the Nine,
Marcella Dupont, Alice Astor (husband Serge
Oblensky OSS/CIA),
Ruth Forbes, Lyal Watson (Bronfman), Stanford
Research institute, Gene Rodenberry (Star Trek), supported by vice president Henry Wallace, (Theosophical
Society) who decided to put pyramid with all seeing eye on dollar
bill (Crowley's Aeon of Horus
channeling of Aiwass as blueprint of the New
Age Church).
1953 jesuit
trained Joseph McCarthy, 1/20 Dwight
David Ike Eisenhower libra, raised in Kansas (McCarthy like
McCartney, communist red scare) as president, Jeffrey
Epstein. 1/5 venus in pisces /17 conj mars. 1/21 Niagara
Marilyn Monroe the Empress queen of
cups. 2/2 venus in aries. 2/5 (36th day) Disney
Peter Pan (the fool vs captain hook the hierophant)
used for Peter Pan programming, go to Neverland= dissociative state
(Bobby Driscoll also in Treasure Island). 2/11 Angel Face, Jean Simmons
as Diana, Barbara Neill as Catherine 7/17 like Camilla. Francis Crick
(Cavendish laboratory Cecil) 'Discovery' of the 3D helix structure of
year 2-5 the Hierophant
3/24 d queen Mary of Teck. (pluto dark secrets in leo power) 4/13 start
mind control project MK
Ultra, same day first appearance James
Bond 007, based on John Dee.
Brigitte Macron.
5/6 Tony Charles Lynton Blair. 6/2 coronation
Elizabeth II (mother of
Charles) by freemason archbishop Fisher (5/5 d napoleon).
6/7 Liam
King Farouk brings large numbers of German ex-Nazi military and
intelligence personnel into Egypt as advisors.
Several of the Germans, recognizing Farouk’s political weakness, begin
conspiring with Nasser and his 'Free Officers' who work closely with the
Muslim Brotherhood, to overthrow the king.
The CIA (Kermit Roosevelt grandson of Theodore),
overthrows Mohammed Mossadegh, who nationalised petroleum industry
(under control BP), install the Pallavicini Pahlavi dynasty in Iran
(Operation Ajax).
7/1 (Diana, poster with Eiffel tower) Gentlemen
Prefer Blondes Jane Russell as Dorothy Shaw (Wizard
of Oz mind control) Marilyn
Monroe scene of Whore of Babylon in Metropolis Tommy Noonan (4/29
date wedding William
and Catherine), Elliott Reid (d 6/21 date William).
9/14 mars in virgo, 9/23 venus in virgo. 10/1 Founding of Playboy rabbit logo sex slaves
programmed with Alice in
Wonderland, Marilyn Monroe, as
Babalon, Isis Ishtar, associated with rabbits (Orion bow tie), Hugh
Hefner as the hierophant with scarlet woman, born 4/9 date of Leah
Hirsig (Crowleys wife babalon).
10/23 Saturn in scorpio. 11/28 death Frank
Olson (wife Alice). 12/9 John Malkovich.
1954 Out of NSA, other secret branches sell the technology to private
industry and government agencies, including the military like Boeing,
Lockheed,... Start of breakaway civilization, development of mind
control techniques like Extreme Low Frequency, memory erase technology,
electronic mind control, Voice of God-technology. Human consciousness is
basically 'hacked'. Personalities can be created, inserted, reprogrammed
and combined (Multiple Personality Disorder). According to some
theories, the elite developed methods of transferring consciousness
during REM-sleep and activating clones in underground bases, as a way of
1/4 Tina Knowles. 1/17 Robert
Kennedy jr. 1/29 Oprah Winfrey.
2/18 John Travolta. 2/ 26 Recep
Erdogan. 3/1 Ron Howard.
year 2-6 the Lovers. 5/1 Sun Myung
Moon founds the Unification Church
in Seoul Korea. 5/29 jesuit priest Retinger and Dutch nazi prince
Bernhard found the Bilderberg conferences. 5/29 (bday jfk) Dial
M for Murder (mm=33) Grace
Kelly (date jfk will be killed). venus in cancer. 6/1
(25th birthday Marilyn Monroe) wedding John Spencer and Frances Ruth,
parents of Diana in Westminster Abbey. 6/7 d Alan
Turing. 7/1 (Diana) d Thea von Harbau writer of Metropolis about
creation of false Mary.
wedding Vittorio Massimo and Dawn Addams (The
First electricity from nuclear power. 7/13 d Frida
Kahlo. 7/17 (Camilla Parker) Angela
Merkel Angela like sister Hitler to lead European empire. 7/19
first single Elvis Presley, sun god
osiris, recorded at Memphis for Sun Records. 7/29 (date wedding Diana) JRR Tolkien Fellowship
of the Ring (the Nine) first novel of trilogy. 8/12 Francois
Hollande. 8/8 venus in libra. 8/16 James
Cameron. 9/1 Rear Window (hei the star) jesuit trained Alfred Hitchcock
Grace Kelly, Judith as Miss
Lonelyhearts, James Stewart july 97. 9/7 Michael Emerson. 9/23 Cherie
Networking is 4th Density STO concept seeping into 3rd density. 9/29
(93days left -thelema) At Genève (Gwenyfar Guinevere) Meryn (=merlin)
avenue, the Jesuit stronghold with the white mountain Mont Blanc and
Park Aryana, CERN, named after the Capricorn goat- the
horned god pan/ Cernunnos, with the Lucifer/Shiva statue and 666-logo,
develops intranet as a weapon (gnostig G/6 becomes @).
built on site where temple was built dedicated to Apollo, to fulfill
prophecy of opening the bottomless pit of Revelation 911 (5+4=9) 46th
parallel nr of Adam. They see the Age of Aquarius as the return of Apollyon Lucifer, Enki, Nimrod/Osiris the
life-giver and try to summon him.
11/3 Godzilla beast. 12/24 Annie Lennox. Kenneth
Anger's Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome with Jack
Parsons wife Marjorie Cameron.
Aldous Huxley The Doors of
Perception (title from poem William Blake).
1955 (Guru Gobind Singh establishes the
Sikh religion with Amrita ceremony). Averell
Harriman S&B governor
of NY. 1/18 Kevin
Costner. 1/31 Carole Middleton. Jayne
Mansfield topless swimming publicity stunt at premiere Underwater
with Jane Russell (Cancer rules the breasts) 2/5 venus in capric 2/24
(55th day, apple like 5 pointed pentagram symbol of Venus)
Steven Paul Jobs in San Francisco, who will be made CEO of Apple,
the symbolic apple Lucifer gave to Eve.
year 2-7 the Chariot (cancer
keystone) 3/12 d Charlie Parker. 3/19 Bruce
Willis, 3/30 venus in pisces 4/7 d Theda Bara. 4/6 Churchill
resigns, Anthony Eden pm uk, earl of Avon, mother grey family.
4/10 East of Eden (Elia
Kazan ACCF) the lovers, Cain and Abel
story, James Dean, mother 'Kate'. year Marjorie
Cameron gives birth to daughter Eve Kimmel. 4/15 (Alexandria
egypt: new moses) Dodi Fayed (50 days
later 'fayed', dod hebrew for uncle, Fayed like joker Conradt Veidt,
100y after Karl Reuss head oto) like Leviathan -Lafayette
Ron Hubbard and his Babalon working), actor in the Diana
car crash ritual (Crowley's Paris Working= book 415).
same day first MacDonalds. 4/18 d Albert
Einstein, project Manhattan atom bomb, magician of last aeon. 4/27
Eric Schmidt (google). 5/10 Mark David Chapman
who would kill John Lennon at Dakota
building at age 25, mother Diane, novel JD Salinger icon for rebellion
(against 'phonies'). 5/17 William Bill Paxton. 5/19 venus in taurus
(grace kelly meets prince rainier). 5/29 John Hinckley, assassination
attempt Reagan, d Rudolf Klein-Rogge (Rotwang metropolis). 6/1
Marilyn Monroe 7 Year Itch (whore of Babylon,
beast with seven heads, would die 7 years later) Tom Ewell 4/20 bday
hitler. Billy Wilder 6/22 like Lindbergh baby.
6/8 Tim Berners-Lee (socalled inventor of the internet, www666 therion).
(9 years after Babalon workings Thelemic messiah would appear) 6/15 David Anthony Kennedy, dk 411 curse of
cain, son of Robert Kennedy, date
of Jack Ruby (Christ from house of David, Robert the Bruce son David II,
start of Scottish templar protected Stuart bloodline =Edinburgh castle
55th parallel). 6/16 Lady and the Tramp. Herbert
Marcuse Eros and
Civilisation, promoted by Susan Sontag.
7/17 Disney family opens first Disneyland
castle (castle programming, based on Neuschwannstein of Ludwig II, on 33d parallel Orange
county). 7/22 Wilem Dafoe. 8/4 Billy
Bob Thornton.
8/5 date Monroe would die 7 years later) To Catch a Thief, announcing car crash Grace Kelly (The Swan).(John Robie like Margot Robbie who played Sharon Tate) 8/12 William Breeze (OTO), born in Paris. 8/19 hurricane Diane 8/27 mars in virgo. 8/28 d Emmett Till (child Horus) lynched in Mississipi on 33d parallel, ritual with Mamie Till to start the fake Civil Rights Movement (the Black Church), mayor of Chicago Knight of Columbus Richard Daley. 9/15 (harry) Lolita novel of Vladimir Nabokov (cousin of Nikolaj Nabokov CCF) to normalize pedophilia (pluto in leo), promoted in The Sunday Times. 9/30 car crash James Dean, (=Deana, jd john dee, in Freud's view sex drive=death drive) age 25, race car nr 13, born in 31, diana aug 31. Porsche 550 Spyder (the star=weaving spider) 9 days old (date Jack the Ripper victim Elizabeth Stride 1888) web murder mystery.
(same day The Trouble with Harry Hitchcock
hanged man). 10/3 The Mickey Mouse
Club on ABC with MK Ultra
programmed children. plane crash Ethel Kennedy's parents. 10/5 10
Commandments Akhenaton Moses. 10/13 mars in libra 10/27
one of three last films, Rebel Without a Cause, day Marilyn Monroe
divorces. Natalie Wood 7/20 (date apollo 11, Griffith observatory where
Apollo astronauts would be trained) who would die 81 year of wedding
Diana. 10/28 Bill Gates
chariot=mars war: 11/1 the jesuits
(Cardinal Spellman) attack Vietnam,
start of the Vietnam War, use of chemical weapons like Agent Orange and phosphorus bombs. Over 40%
of US soldiers are exposed to heroin or LSD.
Their dead bodies are used to import heroin into the US and sell in
black neighbourhoods. MI6 and CIA
rule the global drugs trade to finance Black Ops. The outcome of
Vietnam War: 58.000 dead Buddhists, 80.000 post-war suicides, a 220
billion dollar debt to the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank for the war
machine, and Vatican multi-billion dollar control of the global heroin
11/22 Russian H-bomb. 11/19 William
F Buckley Jr's National Review (ACCF writers).
11/29 venus in capric (skin). 12/1 (8 years after death Crowley)
the jesuits create the fake Civil
Rights Movement as controlled
opposition with The New School
alumni, Montgomery bus boycott, close to 33d parallel, media
stunt with Rosa Parks (Alpha
Kappa Alpha) Neptune idealism in Cancer (the
Chariot) Martin Luther
King (new protestant martin luther- apollo dyonisus-supermans lex
12/12 (Sagittarius art) The Rose Tattoo, (5nr of venus the rose) at the premiere at Astor hotel Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield meet.
1956 (56, nr of Nut, high priestess)
1/12 Saturn in sagittarius. Diane Lana Turner as Diane Marise
Pavan as Catherine. 1/27 Elvis Presley
(full red 61) as the sun god -Heartbreak Hotel, same day the City and
the Stars, debut novel of Arthur c Clarke. 2/26 Michel Houellebecq.
Forbidden Planet based on The Tempest,
Leslie Nielsen Miranda and Caliban.
year 2-8 Adjustment 4/18 Eric Roberts. The Swan Grace
Kelly movie (Cygnus first black hole) 4/4 venus in gemini. 4/19
(date of birth Jayne Mansfield) marriage of
Grace Kelly and Rainier III of Monaco (Grimaldi, Order
of Malta). 5/15 d Austin
Osman Spare. 5/19 Stanley
Kubrick (CCNY) The
Killing (killing joke, joker robbery) with Sterling Hayden (CIA).
5/22 NBC peacock lucifer logo.
uranus in leo (unconventional ideas, lust) jupiter in libra
6/29, date Jayne Mansfield will die, wedding Marilyn
Monroe with Arthur Miller. 7/9 Tom
Hanks. 8/11 car crash Paul
Jackson Pollock (CCF)
oldsmobile 88, age 44. Elvis Presley,
pelvis shaking the spear, rock music Hound Dog hip movements 9/9 (nr of
yesod genitals the rock foundation stone) on the Ed Sullivan Show,
managed by Colonel Parker like Camilla Parker.
creation of Silicon Valley,
meeting about AI at Dartmouth. Stanford professor William Shockley of Bell Labs starts
own company using silicon chips instead of germanium, employing
graduates of Stanford (would later make chips for Apollo program,
companies like Intel). Wizard of Oz
shown on tv. Suez oil crisis. 8/21 Kim Cattrall. 8/25 death Alfred
Kinsey. 9/24 Grace Metalious Peyton Place.
oct Neptune (idealism stage illusion) in
Scorpio (dark secrets).
10/4 Christoph Waltz. 10/20 Danny
Boyle, director of London Olympics phoenix ritual, 10/21
Carrie Fisher. Allen Ginsberg
Howl poem to push the gay
agenda (sodomy religion of Aleister
Crowley). 11/25 venus in scorpio 11/28 And God
Created Woman, Brigitte
Bardot beta kitten sex slave marketing image of Babalon liberated
woman. 12/1 The Girl Cant Help It Jayne
Mansfield introducing Eddie Cochran. NATO (cult of Aton) Operation
Gladio, funding left wing terrorists, to rebuild roman empire.
1957 Mao
launches 'The great leap forward' to rapidly transform China's
economy from an agraric one to an industrialised one, causing widespread
famine with a death toll over 20 million people. Tom Driberg, friend of
Crowley, chairman of the Labour
Party in Britain. 2/16 The Seventh Seal (Revelation 8) Bengt Ekerot Max
von Sydow Bibi Andersson.
2/28 John Turturro. 3/10 Osama
Bin Laden.(pisces ruled by neptune, moon in cancer) 3/15 mars
in gemini 3/25 Treaty of Rome, rise of the
seven headed beast the Roman Empire.
year 2-9 the Hermit (virgo). 4/29 Daniel Day-Lewis. 5/2 Frankenstein
(Peter Cushing). 5/12 d Erich von Stroheim (queen kelly). 5/13
venus in gemini Pluto in Leo: Life Magazine magic mushroom issue
with Bert Lahr (Cowardly Lion in Wizard
of Oz) on cover, Gordon Wasson (LSE Fabian
Society, JP Morgan). 5/27 The Wayward Bus Jayne Mansfield
as Camille Oakes (Camilla Parker). 5/29 Ted Levine. before Elvis movie Jailhouse Rock, 7/3 d Judy Tyler (aphelion, Baal and Joudy).
7/25 venus in virgo. 7/29 (bday Elizabeth Short 1924, wedding Diana) Will Success Spoil
Rock Hunter (archer sagitt) Jayne
Mansfield as Rita Marlowe with husband Micky Hargitay, announcing
death Marilyn Monroe. The Prince and the Showgirl Marilyn
Monroe (Diana and prince Charles, promoted at the Plaza Hotel
Manhattan). 9/5 Jack Kerouac (The
New School) 'On the Road'. 9/12 Rachel Ward. 9/26 The Joker is
Wild, Frank Sinatra. (10/3 Les Girls
-art- premiere Elizabeth 2 and Jayne Mansfield). 11/3 Dolph Lundgren. 11/8 Jailhouse
Rock (jupiter in libra Elvis
Presley dom Capricorn-jupiter the rock) with Judy Tyler who died
7/3 (dog days). The Tower on 911 breakdown of jail. 12/10 Kiss Them For
Me, the Lovers indecison Jayne
Mansfield as Alice (Alice
in Wonderland programming).
Pluto (daemon) in Virgo (fall) like year 0,
'birth Christ' also pluto in virgo and neptune in scorpio. Jayne
Mansfield publicity stunt with Sophia Loren (virgin-whore) at Romanoff Beverly
1958 1/7 venus in retrograde
1/13 wedding Jayne Mansfield and
Mickey Hargitay. 1/29 Elevator to the Scaffold, music Miles Davis. Elvis
is drafted in the army. Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) space technology for military purposes.
year 2-10 Wheel of Fortune.
3/10 Sharon Stone. 4/2 first use of
term Beatnik, movement in Greenwich
Village, antisocial lifestyle of Crowley's
Thelema, promoting drug abuse and sodomy. Minor recession, first VISA
cards (based on the number 666). Building of the Atomium hypercube, the
structure of iron crystal, the iron crown of Atum in Brussels, heart of
Europe. 4/3 Alec Baldwin. 4/29 Michelle Pfeiffer.
7/1 (Diana) Anatomy of a Murder.
7/29 founding of NASA, hq in
Washington DC (JPL Caltech of Jack
8/15 venus in leo. 8/29 Michael
Jackson born in Indiana, moon in pisces (dreamy out of touch with
reality, Peter Pan programming). 9/25 Michael Madsen. Lonelyhearts with Myrna Loy. Founding of the CIA
front John Birch Society
Indianapolis Indiana (Robert Welsch, Roy Cohn, the Right
Wing Church). 10/28 Viggo
Mortensen. 11/5 Robert Patrick. 11/19 Charlie Kaufman.
1959 world
population reaches 3 billion. Globalisation of cultures to make media
control easier, first Grammy Awards
ceremony at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel.
1/5 Saturn in Capricorn (home). 1/7 venus in aq 1/29
Sleeping Beauty the star rose, Sophia fallen asleep. 2/3
Buddy Holly plane crash. 2/16 (216 nr of Gevurah, Che Guevarah, Chesed Gevurah) jesuit trained Fidel
Castro premier of Cuba
(Farnese bloodline that founded the jesuits, duke of Castro). jesuit
trained Michel Debré pm of France.
year 2-11 Lust. 3/20 venus
in taurus babalon. 3/29 Some Like it Hot, Marilyn
Monroe Sugar Kane (kennedy) with John Jack Lennon. 4/30 Imitation
of Life Lana Turner. Neptune (evolutionary destiny) in Scorpio: monkey
Able =Bael first rhesus macaque monkey in space, in form of monolith,
born in Independance, kansas, dies 6/1 (date M Monroe, Neptune:
evolutionary destiny). 6/16 (616 nr antichrist) death George Reeves,
actor Superman, wife Leonore Lemmon (ll like Lois Lane/Lana)(Clark
Kent=Kennedy). 8/10 Rosanna
Arquette. 10/6 Pillow Talk Rock Hudson Doris
Day (mother of Terry Melcher)
Tony Randall (played Rock Hunter) Thelma Ritter as Alma.
NY as the new Oz (40.42 degree end of the rainbow) Yellow cabs as seed
of the sun, yellow brick road. Opening of the Guggenheim at Central Park
on 88th street, as the new Solomon temple/ziggurat built like a nautilus
shell (Golden ratio).
beast=roman empire 11/18 Ben Hur Charlton Heston (lion
MGM) (dec Journey to Centre of the Earth- Art card).