the Transhumanist Church

The Transhumanist Church is a branch of the Saturn cult, aimed at turning human beings into cyborgs, as part of a Luciferian agenda, because transhumanists believe they can become gods (delusions of the God matrix) through Artificial Intelligence technology and are under influence of Fallen Angels who need hosts. The Transhumanist Church controls Silicon Valley (Apple, Google, Snapchat, Facebook, LinkedIn). The main prophets are Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Aubrey Grey, Craig Venter, Martine Rothblatt, Ray Kurzweil, Peter Diamandis, Elon Musk, Yuval Harari, TED, Hanson Robotics with David Icke and Elena Freeland as controlled opposition.

Fabian HG Wells announced the world brain. Jesuit Marshall McLuhan, influenced by de Chardin, announced the Global Village of the internet.

Silicon Valley grew out of the Tavistock and the Stanford Research Institute research in the 60's (Hollywood High School alumni William Shockley, Stewart Brand, Peter Schwartz CFR). 

1970's Military technology is gradually rolled out to move towards digital slavery step by step, with PR actors in the media industry like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and young jewish students likeas genius, innovative entrepreneurs. Terry Sejnowski and Geoffrey Hinton invent the Boltzmann machine (machine learning).

1984 TED conferences. Apple Macintosh.

1985 MIT Media Lab is founded in Massachusetts.

1986 The transhumanists of Silicon Valley celebrate the process of death-rebirth as a cyborg, in a mass called Burning Man in the Nevada desert.

2000 Craig Venter presents the results of the Human Genome Project with Francis Collins (Colonna, Royal Society, Pontifical Academy of Sciences), jesuit Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, a year before the 911 Twin Towers ritual with the towers representing the pair of DNA. A.I. Steven Spielberg William hurt.

2004 Harvard (MK Ultra) project Facebook with  Mark Zuckerberg as PR agent.

FB=FBI, the secret service of queen Elizabeth II and the rest of the Saturn cult. The previous Queen Elizabeth in the 16th century employed the occultist John Dee, who played for her secret service, gathered all the information from British spies. His nickname 007 is a symbol for Tubalcain (two balls and a caine, a phallus symbol). Tubalcain is a password in freemasonry, just like Cain, it stands for a descendant of Lucifer. The FB logo is therefore a copy of the Tubalcain (two balls and a cane) logo from freemasonry. Smith is another name for Tubalcain (Goo-gle also refers to that 007, led by Eric Schmidt).

Through group pressure, Instagram and Snapchat (developed at Stanford) is made mandatory for children, stealing all the data of their text messages, promoting the digital narcism of mind controlled sex slaves like Kardashian-Jenner as role model.

The Mental Health Industry introduced the concept of social media and AI as therapist/coach.

2006 Martine Rothblatt (the Transgender Church, APS), founder of Sirius XM Satellite Radio, founds Terasem Movement to promote mind uploading and nanotechnology to reach immortality.

Facebook's Peter Thiel works for data analytics company Palantir (Lockheed Martin). The end goal of their facial recognition, eugenics and transhumanism is a technological resurrection of the dead, where real people sit and stare into their coffins in such a way that through all the collected data, supplemented with DNA, digital avatars come to life, controlled by the elite.

2008 Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis (X Prize Foundation) found the Singularity University.

2010 The Singularity Is Near (Martine Rothblatt as executive producer).

2011 Stanford Research Institute developed AI assistent Siri for Apple.

Regina Dugan switching careers between DARPA, Apple and Facebook shows Silicon Valley toys are all military technology, used as weapons of mass surveillance to reach one global hive mind.

2012 CRISPR gene editing technique (Jennifer Doudna).

2013 DARPA's BRAIN Initiative.

2014 Nick Bostrom (trained at the LSE of the Fabian Society) Superintelligence, promoted by TED, Joe Rogan, Google, Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

Craig Venter founds Human Longevity with Peter Diamandis (Singularity University).

Lucy (Lucifer) Luc Besson Scarlett Johansson. Transcendence Johnny Depp character based on Ray Kurzweil.

2015 Ex Machina Oscar Isaac. Yuval Harari Homo Deus.

Scott Bannister (PayPal) and Cyan Bannister are used to introduce digital prostitution and social credit.

2020 the Covid 19-ritual to impose rMNA vaccination.

2022 biotechnology corporation Altos Labs (Luciferian dream of immortality) with Jennifer Doudna and David Baltimore (president of Caltech) as board member and Yuri Milner and Jeff Bezos as investor. 

Artificial Intelligence

the Alternative Media Church
